Wraparound Training

For individuals, organizations, and systems

What is Wraparound?

Wraparound is a process that supports people by bringing together a team to help them accomplish their goals. The process is driven by the client and allows them to learn new skills and navigate future challenges. The team develops a plan to address the client’s own identified needs. Each team member offers different experiences, resources, and abilities to ensure the plan is realistic and achievable. This ensures the client gains the right tools and skills necessary for long-term success well after the professionals are gone.

Behavioral Health Case Management

The Florida Certification Board has approved Julie Radlauer-Doerfler to provide the 50-hour Behavioral Health Case Management training. This training includes 24 hours of Wraparound 101 training, 16 hours of documentation training, and 10 hours of approved online training. Upon completing this training, participants receive a certificate to upload to the Florida Certification Board and prepare for the Behavioral Health Case Management Test.

For Wraparound Toolkits

Training Dates

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Available Wraparound Trainings


A three-day training designed to provide Case Managers with the skills necessary to implement Wraparound. This training is skills-based and teaches the basics of how to implement the Wraparound model. Upon completing this training, individuals may choose to become certified facilitators by participating in a coaching process.

Documentation and Ethics

This 16 hour training is designed to accompany the Wraparound 101 training in addition to 10 hours of free online training to account for the 50 hours of training required for the Florida Certification Board. The training is conducted over 2 days and in provided both virtually and live in person.


Introduction to Wraparound

A half-day training designed to educate system partners (Child Welfare, DJJ, provider organizations, school personnel, system leadership, and the community) about the Wraparound process. This training involves an overview of the System of Care values and Wraparound.

Wraparound Supervisors Training

A two-day training designed for Supervisors that have already participated in Wraparound 101 training and are supervising Case Managers. This training educates supervisors about the coaching process and supports the sustainability of Wraparound within the organization.


Champions are individuals who support the implementation of Wraparound in their communities. Identified champions attend a three-day training that focuses on providing support and resources to help facilitate the successful application of Wraparound. Prerequisite: Completion of Wraparound 101.

Natural Supports Training

A one-day training designed to educate organizations and facilitators about engaging natural supports in the Wraparound process. Natural supports are trusted entities and individuals identified by persons receiving Wraparound services and are essential partners on successful Wraparound teams.


For Wraparound Certified Facilitators interested in becoming Wraparound Certified Coaches. This two-day training increases awareness and builds coaching and supervisory skills. Following certification, coaches provide feedback to individuals who have completed Wraparound 101 and are interested in becoming Certified Facilitators.

Coaching Cohort

This four month event is designed to provide certified Wraparound facilitators with the knowledge and skills to become effective Wraparound coaches.  The cohort is a weekly time commitment and requires access to case managers to coach through the process. For more information about the cohort, click here.  

Family/Peer Support Partner Training

This is a two-day training focused on the critical and integral role of Family and Peer Support Partners in the Wraparound process. This training offers support and education to help these partners be successful as part of the Wraparound team.

Wraparound Booster Training

A full-day training available for people that have completed Wraparound 101 previously and are ready for a refresher. Practitioners may need a refresher on an annual basis to avoid drift from the model.

Wraparound for Clinicians

A half-day training designed for therapists working on the Wraparound team. Therapists will learn about the importance of their role in the Wraparound process.

Train The Trainer

This is a three day Experiential training where skills will be developed to provide Wraparound training once certified in the process. It includes the combination of training and coaching to support the model. The Train the Trainer opportunity will provide regional trainers with the ability to support training in their own communities.

Introducing: Wraparound E-Learning

The Wraparound E-Learning offers a hybrid digital/live Zoom education option for Wraparound 101. The training is provided in a flexible format and meets the requirements for the 24 hours Wraparound 101 training event. Pre-recorded educational sessions are followed up with live group Zoom sessions providing the opportunity to practice the skills learned throughout the course. Sessions are scheduled on a quarterly basis.

Visit the Wraparound training page for more information.

Have questions or want more information? We’re happy to help.